We are champions for litter prevention in Juneau

Litter Free, Inc. is a nonprofit that was founded to keep our community clean and healthy. To achieve our mission, we bring together local businesses, organizations, and individuals, to promote litter pick up and recycling within the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska.

“From visiting family members, to tourists, to State Legislators, we want them to remember the capital city of Alaska as being a lovely place to visit, both for its natural beauty as well as its clean streets, beaches and public areas. We wish that when they leave, they would like to visit again someday.”

2024 Juneau Community Cleanup Results




Pounds of waste delivered to the landfill


Pounds of glass, plastics, and aluminum that went to recycling

2024 Youth Litter Patrol Cleanup Results… so far!


Youth & Adult Volunteers


Hours spent picking up trash


that went to Juneau youth organizations